Centre de féminisation

Low eyelid is not only a visual problem but also a serious problem that leads to vision problems. But don’t worry because here is your saviour: eyelid surgery!

Chirurgie des paupières

Low eyelid usually occurs due to many factors such as muscle weakness, genetics, especially progressive. Since the low eyelid can directly affect the visual potential, it does not only cause aesthetic concerns. It also emerges as a health problem. However, eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is very effective in solving these problems.

What are the Causes of Eyelid Complaints?

There are various reasons for sagging or falling of the eyelid. It is possible to list these reasons as follows:

  1. Eyelids also change as time passes. With advancing age, the skin loses its elasticity due to decreasing collagen and elastin. This causes sagging of the eyelid.
  2. In addition, too much sun exposure directly damages the skin. It causes the skin to lose moisture rapidly, causing it to age and sag faster. Eyelids are also very much affected by sun rays because they are sensitive.
  3. Various bad habits, especially smoking, are another factor that wears out the skin. In addition, a bad and irregular lifestyle is also harmful for the skin.

All these reasons can cause swollen, sagging and wrinkled eyelids. In addition to all these, genetic factors and advancing age are also natural causes of sagging eyelids.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, known as blepharoplasty, aims to improve the appearance of your upper or lower eyelids, allowing you to see better and have more attractive eyes. During the procedure, your surgeon makes small incisions in or around your eyelids and removes excess fat or tissue. In this way, your eyes become more beautiful and more functional.

Eyelid surgery is usually performed under local or light sedation anaesthesia. In addition, thanks to your surgeon’s special technique, scars will be minimal. In this way, you do not have to worry about the appearance of scars.

How does the healing process progress after Eyelid Surgery?

Postoperative bruising and swelling are normal. The healing process is usually noticeable within 2-4 weeks. You can completely return to your daily life after about 2 weeks. For a complete recovery, it will be enough to wait a few months.

Occasional cold compresses can help with swelling, bruising or pain. It is also important to use antibiotics regularly to prevent a possible infection. It is also useful to follow the surgeon’s instructions during this process. It is possible to achieve good results with good care.

Why should you have Eyelid Surgery?

The eye benefits of this surgery are quite high. It is effective not only in eliminating your aesthetic concerns but also in improving your visual function.

If droopy eyelids negatively affect both your aesthetic appearance and your visual activity, we strongly recommend that you choose eyelid surgery. Thanks to this surgery, you will notice that your quality of life has increased while having a younger eye appearance. Thanks to the surgery, you will achieve very permanent and long-term results.

Is It Possible to Maintain Eyelid Health?

Maintaining eyelid health, especially after surgery, will make the results more permanent. Especially protecting your skin from harmful sun rays can be useful at this point. Using protectors such as sunscreens, sunglasses or hats during the hours when the sun’s rays are most harmful is a very effective method of delaying the aging of your skin.


What type of doctor is best for eyelid surgery e1698160762144

Your skin can age, but what matters is how you feel. Facial feminization surgeries are a very functional method to be the person you feel. Eyelid surgery, which is within the scope of these surgeries, has functional and extremely beneficial results for everyone. In this respect, this surgery is a very popular application. With its fast recovery time and permanent results, it is a very good option for people suffering from eye health.

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