Feminization Center

If you are a transgender person who wants to undergo a gender-affirming surgery in Turkey, you might be wondering how much it costs and what factors affect the price. In this blog post, we will answer these questions and provide you with some useful information about transgender surgery in Turkey.

How much is a transgender surgery in Turkey?

What is transgender surgery?

Transgender surgery, also known as sex reassignment surgery or gender confirmation surgery, is a medical procedure that aims to align the physical appearance of a person with their gender identity. Transgender surgery can involve different types of procedures, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. Some of the most common transgender surgeries are:

  • Male-to-female (MTF) surgery: This surgery involves changing the male genitalia into female genitalia, and may include vaginoplasty (creation of a vagina), clitoroplasty (creation of a clitoris), labiaplasty (shaping of the labia), orchiectomy (removal of the testicles), and penectomy (removal of the penis). MTF surgery may also include breast augmentation, facial feminization surgery, or voice feminization surgery to enhance the feminine appearance of the body and face.
  • Female-to-male (FTM) surgery: This surgery involves changing the female genitalia into male genitalia, and may include phalloplasty (creation of a penis), metoidioplasty (enlargement of the clitoris), scrotoplasty (creation of a scrotum), urethroplasty (extension of the urethra), vaginectomy (removal of the vagina), and hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and ovaries). FTM surgery may also include chest masculinization surgery, facial masculinization surgery, or voice masculinization surgery to enhance the masculine appearance of the body and face.
How much is a transgender surgery in Turkey?

How much does transgender surgery cost in Turkey?

The cost of transgender surgery in Turkey varies depending on several factors, such as:

  • The type and extent of the surgery: Different procedures have different prices, depending on the complexity, duration, and technique involved. For example, phalloplasty is usually more expensive than vaginoplasty, as it requires more surgical steps and materials. The cost may also depend on whether you opt for a single-stage or a multi-stage surgery, as the latter may require more sessions and follow-ups.
  • The surgeon’s fees: The surgeon’s fees depend on their experience, reputation, and qualifications. You should look for a surgeon who has extensive training and expertise in performing transgender surgeries, and who can provide you with before-and-after photos, testimonials, and reviews from previous patients. You should also schedule a consultation with them to discuss your goals, expectations, and concerns, and to evaluate their rapport, communication, and professionalism.
  • The location and facility fees: The location and facility fees depend on where you choose to have your surgery done. Turkey is a popular destination for medical tourism, as it offers high-quality services at affordable prices. However, you should also consider the travel expenses, such as flights, accommodation, transportation, and visa fees. You should also choose a reputable and accredited facility that has modern equipment, qualified staff, and hygienic standards.
  • The anesthesia fees: The anesthesia fees depend on the type and amount of anesthesia used during the surgery. You may need general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the procedure. You should consult with your surgeon and anesthesiologist about the risks and benefits of each option.
  • The medication fees: The medication fees depend on the type and amount of medication prescribed before and after the surgery. You may need antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, or hormonal therapy to prevent infection, reduce pain and swelling, or regulate your hormone levels. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully and report any signs of problems or complications immediately.

According to some estimates, the average cost of transgender surgery in Turkey may range from $2,000 to $20,000 or more. However, these are only approximate figures, and the actual cost may differ depending on your individual case.


Transgender surgery is a medical procedure that can help transgender people align their physical appearance with their gender identity. Transgender surgery can involve different types of procedures, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences. The cost of transgender surgery in Turkey varies depending on several factors, such as the type and extent of the surgery, the surgeon’s fees, the location and facility fees, the anesthesia fees, and the medication fees. The best way to find out how much transgender surgery costs in Turkey is to consult with a professional surgeon who can assess your physical condition and recommend the best options for you.

FAQ: How much is a transgender surgery in Turkey?

Q: How do I prepare for transgender surgery in Turkey?

A: To prepare for transgender surgery in Turkey, you should do some research about the procedure, the surgeon, and the facility you choose. You should also obtain a letter from a mental health professional who can confirm your diagnosis of gender dysphoria and your readiness for surgery. You should also undergo some medical tests and examinations to ensure your physical health and suitability for surgery. You should also follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, and avoid smoking, drinking, or taking any drugs that may interfere with the surgery or the recovery. You should also arrange your travel plans and documents, and pack your essentials and medications.

Q: How long is the recovery time for transgender surgery in Turkey?

A: The recovery time for transgender surgery in Turkey depends on several factors, such as the type and extent of the surgery, your healing ability, and your post-operative care. Generally speaking, it may take about two to six weeks for the initial healing, and about six to twelve months for the final results to settle. During this time, you should follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, and avoid any strenuous activities or sexual intercourse that may cause pain or complications. You should also keep in touch with your surgeon and report any signs of problems or concerns immediately.

Q: What are the risks and complications of transgender surgery in Turkey?

A: As with any surgery, transgender surgery in Turkey carries some risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, nerve damage, sensory loss or change, implant rupture or displacement, graft failure or necrosis, urethral stricture or fistula, vaginal stenosis or prolapse, erectile dysfunction or orgasmic dysfunction, or dissatisfaction with the results. To minimize these risks and complications, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can perform the surgery safely and effectively. It is also important to follow the surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery, and to report any signs of problems or concerns immediately.

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