Feminization Center

Do you feel self-conscious about having chubby cheeks? Do you wish you had a more defined facial structure? If so, you might be interested in buccal fat removal, a cosmetic procedure that can slim down your face and enhance your natural features.

Buccal fat removal is a surgery that removes the fat pads from your cheeks, creating a more sculpted and contoured appearance. It can also make your cheekbones more prominent and reduce the appearance of sagging skin.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about buccal fat removal, including:

  • What is buccal fat and why some people have more of it than others
  • Who is a good candidate for buccal fat removal and who is not
  • What are the benefits and risks of buccal fat removal
  • What to expect before, during, and after the procedure
  • How much does buccal fat removal cost and how to find a qualified provider
  • Frequently asked questions about buccal fat removal

What is buccal fat and why do some people have more of it than others?

Buccal fat is a type of subcutaneous fat that is located in the lower part of your cheeks, between your facial muscles and your jawbone. It helps to fill out your face and give it a rounder shape.

Everyone has buccal fat, but the amount and distribution of it can vary greatly from person to person. Some factors that can influence how much buccal fat you have include:

  • Genetics: Some people inherit larger or smaller buccal fat pads from their parents or ancestors. This can affect the overall shape and proportion of your face.
  • Age: As you get older, you naturally lose some of the fat in your face, including the buccal fat. This can make your cheeks look hollow or sunken, especially if you have a thin or narrow face.
  • Weight: Your body weight can also affect the size of your buccal fat pads. If you gain or lose weight, your buccal fat may increase or decrease accordingly. However, some people may have stubborn buccal fat that does not respond to diet or exercise.
  • Lifestyle: Your lifestyle habits can also have an impact on your facial fat. For example, smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating unhealthy foods can cause inflammation and fluid retention in your face, making your cheeks look puffy or swollen.

Who is a good candidate for buccal fat removal and who is not?

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to improve the appearance of your face. It is not a medical necessity and it does not treat any health conditions. Therefore, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand the limitations of the surgery.

You might be a good candidate for buccal fat removal if:

  • You are in good physical health and have no underlying medical issues that could affect your healing or increase your risk of complications
  • You are at a stable weight and do not plan to lose or gain a significant amount of weight in the future
  • You have excess buccal fat that makes your face look too round or full
  • You are unhappy with the shape or proportion of your face and want to enhance your natural features
  • You have good skin elasticity and tone and do not have severe sagging or drooping skin in your lower face

You might not be a good candidate for buccal fat removal if:

  • You have a narrow or thin face that could look gaunt or aged after losing buccal fat
  • You have a medical condition that affects your blood clotting, healing, or immune system
  • You are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant in the near future
  • You are allergic or sensitive to anesthesia or any medications used during the surgery
  • You have unrealistic expectations or are seeking perfection

The best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for buccal fat removal is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience in performing this procedure. They can evaluate your facial anatomy, medical history, goals, and preferences and recommend the best course of action for you.

What are the benefits and risks of buccal fat removal?

Buccal fat removal can offer several benefits for people who want to improve their facial appearance. Some of the potential benefits include:

  • A slimmer and more defined face
  • A more prominent and attractive cheekbone structure
  • A more balanced and harmonious facial proportion
  • A more youthful and refreshed look
  • A boost in self-confidence and self-esteem

However, like any surgery, buccal fat removal also carries some risks and possible complications. Some of the potential risks include:

  • Bleeding, bruising, swelling, infection, or scarring at the incision sites
  • Nerve damage, numbness, tingling, or pain in the cheek area
  • Asymmetry, unevenness, or dissatisfaction with the results
  • Overcorrection, undercorrection, or recurrence of buccal fat
  • Need for revision surgery or additional procedures

The risks of buccal fat removal can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, following their preoperative and postoperative instructions, and reporting any signs of problems or complications as soon as possible.

What to expect before, during, and after the procedure?

Buccal fat removal is an outpatient procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The surgery typically takes about an hour to complete, depending on the extent of the correction and the technique used by the surgeon.

Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss your goals, expectations, medical history, and any questions or concerns you may have. They will also examine your face, take measurements and photographs, and explain the details of the procedure, including the risks, benefits, alternatives, and costs.

You will also receive some instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, such as:

  • Stop smoking at least two weeks before and after the surgery, as smoking can impair your healing and increase your risk of complications
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, or any other medications that can affect your blood clotting or interact with anesthesia
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the surgery, as you will not be able to drive or operate machinery while under the influence of anesthesia or painkillers
  • Eat a light meal and drink plenty of water the night before the surgery
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of the surgery
  • Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing any jewelry, makeup, or contact lenses on the day of the surgery

During the procedure, you will be given anesthesia to numb your pain and make you comfortable. Your plastic surgeon will then make small incisions inside your mouth, near the back of your cheek. They will then use a special instrument to gently tease out and remove the buccal fat pads from your cheeks. They will then close the incisions with dissolvable stitches and apply bandages or gauze to protect them.

After the procedure, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored for any signs of complications. You will then be discharged home once you are stable and alert. You will receive some instructions on how to care for yourself at home, such as:

  • Take prescribed painkillers and antibiotics as directed by your plastic surgeon
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses to your cheeks to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Keep your head elevated and avoid lying on your sides or stomach for the first few days after the surgery
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water or antiseptic mouthwash several times a day to prevent infection and promote healing
  • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for the first week after the surgery
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, hot, or hard foods that can irritate your mouth or cause bleeding
  • Avoid strenuous activities, exercise, sports, or heavy lifting for at least two weeks after the surgery
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, or any other substances that can affect your blood circulation or healing
  • Avoid sun exposure or tanning for at least six months after the surgery
  • Follow up with your plastic surgeon regularly to monitor your progress and results

How much does buccal fat removal cost and how to find a qualified provider?

The cost of buccal fat removal can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • The location and reputation of the clinic or hospital where the surgery is performed
  • The experience and expertise of the plastic surgeon who performs the surgery
  • The extent and complexity of the correction required
  • The type and amount of anesthesia used during the surgery
  • The fees for preoperative and postoperative care

According to RealSelf.com1, a website that provides information and reviews on cosmetic procedures, the average cost of buccal fat removal in 2021 was $3,000. However, this is only an estimate based on user-reported data and it may not include all the expenses involved in the surgery. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with several plastic surgeons in your area and get personalized quotes before making a decision.

The cost of buccal fat removal may not be covered by most health insurance plans, as it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. However, some plastic surgeons may offer financing options or payment plans to help you afford the surgery. You should also check with your insurance provider if they cover any complications or revisions that may arise from the surgery.

Finding a qualified provider for buccal fat removal is crucial for ensuring a safe and successful outcome. You should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive training and experience in performing facial cosmetic procedures. You should also check their credentials, portfolio, reviews, ratings, testimonials, before-and-after photos, and results. You should also schedule a consultation with them to discuss your goals, expectations, medical history, and any questions or concerns you may have. They will also examine your face, take measurements and photographs, and explain the details of the procedure, including the risks, benefits, alternatives, and costs.

You will also receive some instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, such as:

  • Stop smoking at least two weeks before and after the surgery, as smoking can impair your healing and increase your risk of complications
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, or any other medications that can affect your blood clotting or interact with anesthesia
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the surgery, as you will not be able to drive or operate machinery while under the influence of anesthesia or painkillers
  • Eat a light meal and drink plenty of water the night before the surgery
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of the surgery
  • Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing and avoid wearing any jewelry, makeup, or contact lenses on the day of the surgery

During the procedure, you will be given anesthesia to numb your pain and make you comfortable. Your plastic surgeon will then make small incisions inside your mouth, near the back of your cheek. They will then use a special instrument to gently tease out and remove the buccal fat pads from your cheeks. They will then close the incisions with dissolvable stitches and apply bandages or gauze to protect them.

After the procedure, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored for any signs of complications. You will then be discharged home once you are stable and alert. You will receive some instructions on how to care for yourself at home, such as:

  • Take prescribed painkillers and antibiotics as directed by your plastic surgeon
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses to your cheeks to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Keep your head elevated and avoid lying on your sides or stomach for the first few days after the surgery
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water or antiseptic mouthwash several times a day to prevent infection and promote healing
  • Eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids for the first week after the surgery
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, hot, or hard foods that can irritate your mouth or cause bleeding
  • Avoid strenuous activities, exercise, sports, or heavy lifting for at least two weeks after the surgery
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, or any other substances that can affect your blood circulation or healing
  • Avoid sun exposure or tanning for at least six months after the surgery
  • Follow up with your plastic surgeon regularly to monitor your progress and results

How much does buccal fat removal cost and how to find a qualified provider?

The cost of buccal fat removal can vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • The location and reputation of the clinic or hospital where the surgery is performed
  • The experience and expertise of the plastic surgeon who performs the surgery
  • The extent and complexity of the correction required
  • The type and amount of anesthesia used during the surgery
  • The fees for preoperative and postoperative care

According to RealSelf.com, a website that provides information and reviews on cosmetic procedures, the average cost of buccal fat removal in 2021 was $3,000. However, this is only an estimate based on user-reported data and it may not include all the expenses involved in the surgery. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with several plastic surgeons in your area and get personalized quotes before making a decision.

The cost of buccal fat removal may not be covered by most health insurance plans, as it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. However, some plastic surgeons may offer financing options or payment plans to help you afford the surgery. You should also check with your insurance provider if they cover any complications or revisions that may arise from the surgery.

Finding a qualified provider for buccal fat removal is crucial for ensuring a safe and successful outcome. You should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive training and experience in performing facial cosmetic procedures. You should also check their credentials, portfolio, reviews, ratings, testimonials, before-and-after photos, and results. You should also schedule a consultation with them to discuss your goals, expectations, risks, benefits, alternatives, and costs of the surgery.

Frequently asked questions about buccal fat removal

Here are some of the most common questions that people have about buccal fat removal and their answers:

  • Q: How long does it take to see the results of buccal fat removal?
  • A: The results of buccal fat removal are not immediate, as it takes some time for the swelling and bruising to subside and for the tissues to heal and settle. You may start to notice some improvement in your facial contour after a few weeks, but the final results may take up to six months or longer to appear.
  • Q: How long do the results of buccal fat removal last?
  • A: The results of buccal fat removal are permanent, as the fat cells that are removed do not grow back. However, your facial appearance may still change over time due to aging, weight fluctuations, or other factors. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow your plastic surgeon’s advice to preserve your results.
  • Q: What are the alternatives to buccal fat removal?
  • A: If you are not a good candidate for buccal fat removal or if you prefer a less invasive option, you may consider some alternatives to achieve a similar effect. Some of the possible alternatives include:
    • Facial liposuction: This is a procedure that uses a thin tube called a cannula to suction out excess fat from your face, such as from your chin, jawline, or neck. It can also help to tighten your skin and improve your facial contour.
    • Cheek augmentation: This is a procedure that uses implants or fillers to add volume and projection to your cheekbones, creating a more defined and attractive facial structure. It can also help to lift and smooth your lower face.
    • Cheek reduction: This is a procedure that removes excess skin and tissue from your cheeks, creating a more slender and refined appearance. It can also help to correct any asymmetry or deformity in your cheeks.
  • Q: How do I choose the best plastic surgeon for buccal fat removal?
  • A: Choosing the best plastic surgeon for buccal fat removal is crucial for ensuring a safe and successful outcome. You should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive training and experience in performing facial cosmetic procedures. You should also check their credentials, portfolio, reviews, ratings, testimonials, before-and-after photos, and results. You should also schedule a consultation with them to discuss your goals, expectations, risks, benefits, alternatives, and costs of the surgery.
  • Q: What are the possible complications or side effects of buccal fat removal?
  • A: Buccal fat removal is generally a safe and effective procedure, but like any surgery, it carries some risks and possible complications. Some of the potential complications or side effects include:
    • Bleeding, bruising, swelling, infection, or scarring at the incision sites
    • Nerve damage, numbness, tingling, or pain in the cheek area
    • Asymmetry, unevenness, or dissatisfaction with the results
    • Overcorrection, undercorrection, or recurrence of buccal fat
    • Need for revision surgery or additional procedures

The risks of buccal fat removal can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, following their preoperative and postoperative instructions, and reporting any signs of problems or complications as soon as possible.

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