Feminization Center

Adam’s apple surgery is a very popular procedure among facial feminization surgeries. It is mostly preferred by trans women and non-binary trans individuals who want to complete their feminine appearance. In some cases, it is also used for Adam’s apple, which can also be seen in cis women. The procedure, also known as Adam’s apple reduction surgery, involves chondrolaryngoplasty or reduction of the thyroid cartilage.

A prominent Adam’s apple is one of the main male sex characteristics. For MTF individuals, this surgery is supportive and complements the desired appearance. Let’s look together at the tricks that people who want to have a tracheal shave should know.

A Close Look at Adam’s Apple

The operation is an outpatient procedure and is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The aim is to reduce the protrusion of the larynx above the thyroid gland in the throat. This protrusion is removed from the front part of the larynx. During adam’s apple, the thyroid cartilage is removed from the anterior part of the larynx. The thyroid cartilage protects the vocal cords from damage and influences the tone of the voice.
Imagine having a tone of voice that suits your own personality and an elegant neck, all this is now possible thanks to Adam’s apple surgery.

Causes of Adam’s Apple Protrusion

There are some reasons why the Adam’s apple is large and prominent. It is possible to list these reasons as follows: :

  • Puberty Period in Men: The period of puberty activates some hormones in people and changes occur in the body based on the sex assigned at birth. During this period, testosterone is secreted, triggering the growth of thyroid cartilage and causing the Adam’s apple to become prominent in men.
  • Genetic Factors: Genetic inheritance is an important factor affecting the size and shape of the Adam’s apple. This is why some people have a large laryngeal protrusion.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Although rare, in some cases hormonal factors cause the Adam’s apple to grow.
  • Transgender Individuals Seeking Gender Confirmation: For most transgender women, the Adam’s apple can also be a problem that prevents feminine appearance.

Tracheal shaving aims to solve all problems and ensures an ideal appearance.

Surgical Process

First of all, your surgeon will medically evaluate your condition before the surgical process begins. Some blood tests will be done to determine whether you are ready for surgery. These include tests such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood tests. It will also be important to inform your surgeon about your regular medication and supplements. It is also important to inform your surgeon about your smoking and alcohol use.

After all preparations are made, the operation process will be as follows:

  1. First of all, general anaesthesia is applied and the person is put to sleep. In this way, the person does not feel anything during the operation.
  2. Then the surgeon makes a small incision hidden in the natural skin fold of the neck and reaches the thyroid cartilage.
  3. Depending on the chosen technique (tracheal shaving or thyroid cartilage reduction), the surgeon carefully reshapes or removes the excess cartilage. The surgeon then reduces the desired prominence.
  4. Upon completion of the procedure, the surgeon closes the incision site and the operation is finalised.

Techniques Used in Surgery

During the operation, your surgeon selects and applies the two techniques according to your individual situation. Let us inform you about these two techniques:

  • Tracheal Shaving ( Chondrolaringoplasty): This is a procedure that is frequently used, especially when reduction is targeted. In this procedure, the incision is made small in the neck crease. The excess thyroid cartilage is then carefully removed or reshaped. The aim is to reduce the size without damaging the vocal cords.
  • Thyroid Cartilage Reduction: Although this procedure is not very preferred, it may be necessary for some people. It aims to reshape and reduce the entire thyroid cartilage, this procedure is more complex, requiring a high level of surgical expertise.

Your surgeon will decide which of these techniques is more suitable for you.

Postoperative Recovery and Care

Your surgeon will follow you after the operation and give you detailed information about the care routine required. However, it may still be useful to know the following in advance:

  • A swelling and bruising in the area where the procedure was performed is expected and is normal. However, these side effects will gradually subside within a few weeks.
  • In most cases, people who have had surgery can return to work and light activities within one to two weeks, and full recovery takes several months.
  • Your surgeon will prescribe the necessary medication to relieve your aches and pains.
  • Follow-up examinations recommended by your surgeon are important to follow the healing process and to address any concerns.
  • It is very important to rest after surgery. Staying away from activities that tire you for a while will speed up the healing process.

It should be noted that in most people, full recovery will take several months.

After Surgery: More Than Aesthetics

A flawless appearance is not our only goal with procedures. This procedure also has personal gains beyond aesthetics. It has many positive effects on both physical and mental health:

  • First of all, the main goal in this process is to provide a more harmonious and feminine neck profile in accordance with the expectations of the person.
  • After gaining the desired appearance, it offers the opportunity to regain self-confidence, reduce social anxiety and express oneself better.
  • By eliminating the source of dysphoria or insecurity, the surgery can significantly increase the person’s self-confidence and improve body image.


Adam’s Apple surgery appeals to anyone who wants to have an elegant appearance, especially transgender individuals. Although the above process is a personal experience, it has very generalized successes in terms of its results. This process can turn into a great experience in skills. DR. MFO you can benefit from expert opinions on this subject.

We hope that this article has provided you with useful information and solutions to your problems, and has inspired you to pursue your dreams and goals. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you and to help you in any way we can. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!Follow our blog for more. You can also reach us on our contact page for any questions you may have. Ffs center is an LGBT community friendly organization.

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