Centre de féminisation

Malar augmentation, that is, cheekbones clarification! A beautiful and feminine face is definitely prominent and lifted cheekbones. Thanks to balanced and shaped cheekbones, it is possible to achieve an ideal feminine appearance.

Malar Augmentation

There are two important methods used in plastic surgery to sharpen the cheekbones. Thanks to these 2 methods within the scope of FFS, it gives people the appearance they want with malar augmentation. In this article, we will discuss malar augmentation surgery on various methods.

What is Malar Augmentation?

Malar augmentation aims to give the cheeks a more balanced and feminine appearance by making the cheekbones prominent using various methods.
Cheek implants and various filling materials are used for this procedure, which is quite common. Thanks to these methods, it is aimed to give the face a more balanced and youthful appearance. Let’s take a closer look at these methods, which are extremely common in Malar Augmentation.

Malar Implant or Malar Filler for Malar Augmentation?

What determines which one should be applied is primarily the personal expectations of the person. In addition, age, health status and anatomy of the face are other important factors regarding which technique should be used in the process. In addition, with the evaluation of your surgeon, you will have a clearer idea about which method you will prefer:

What is Malar Implant Procedure?

In this method, the procedure is performed to enlarge the targeted area by placing an implant into the cheek. It is similar to the chin implant in terms of technique. Dr MFO usually makes an incision in the mouth through the upper lip for the cheek implant. In this way, there is no need to worry that the scar will appear. Because the scar is either invisible or hardly noticeable.

After the incision, a suitable implant is placed in the cheek, fixed in place and the incision is sutured.This surgery is mostly performed under general anaesthesia and has a duration of approximately 1-2 hours.

What Should You Pay Attention to After Malar Implant Surgery?

Some side effects may occur after the surgery. However, these side effects are expected and short-term side effects. Antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed by your surgeon to reduce or prevent pain and infection to reduce these side effects. Some facial muscles may be temporarily restricted due to anaesthesia or the procedure. It may take 3-4 months to realise the full healing process and the change in appearance. However, remember that this period may vary depending on the sensitivity of the care and the person.
Get support from your surgeon if you experience any of the following symptoms after surgery;

  • Abnormal pain or swelling
  • Abnormal discharge from the incision site
  • High fever

What is Malar Filling?

Malar filler is an injection procedure applied to the cheek area. In this cosmetic procedure, hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers are used. Hyaluronic acid is a compound compatible with the skin and thus retains water in the skin, moisturising and rejuvenating the skin. Malar filler gives a fuller appearance to the cheeks, making them more prominent and giving the skin a more vivid appearance. Since this method is a cosmetic method, general anaesthesia is not required.

What are the differences between Malar Implant and Malar Filler?

The most important difference in these methods is the materials used, as the name suggests. Besides, they also have some basic differences:

  1. While malar implant is a surgical procedure performed under anaesthesia, malar filling is a simple cosmetic procedure performed on an outpatient basis.
  2. While the malar implant achieves long-term results, the filler achieves much shorter-term results that require repetition.
  3. Since the malar implant procedure is a surgical process, it requires a serious care routine during the healing process. However, the filling process does not require any long-term maintenance process.
  4. Since their contents are different, their costs may vary.

In addition to these differences, both procedures focus on malar augmentation and aim for the appearance of prominent, full cheekbones.

Benefits of Malar Augmentation

The main purpose of malar augmentation is to give the face a younger and more feminine appearance by removing the loss of volume in the central region of the face. We can briefly mention the benefits of this procedure as follows:

  1. Thanks to malar augmentation, the volume under the cheek bones increases and this area becomes more prominent. This means a more emphasised and balanced facial profile.
  2. Thanks to this procedure, the cheeks harmonise with the upper and lower parts of the face and improve the overall appearance of the face.
  3. With age, skin elasticity is lost in the cheek area and volume loss occurs with the decrease of water in the skin. Thanks to malar augmentation techniques, these negative effects are eliminated and a younger appearance is obtained.
  4. Pits under the skin are removed and the skin is given a healthier, smoother appearance.


Prominent cheekbones are a must for feminine appearance. Thanks to malar augmentation, you can contribute to your change by achieving this appearance and you can have a feminine and young face you dream of. Considering the risks and benefits of malar augmentation, it is extremely easy and the results are just as effective. In this respect, this procedure will give you the physical change you expect.

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