Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty both focus on various problems in the nose. Although these two separate procedures serve the same organ, they have some fundamental differences.
Understanding these differences allows people to find the right procedure for their expectations and achieve better results. In this article, we will provide a better understanding of Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty through these basic differences.
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What are Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?
The aim of both of these procedures is to eliminate the problems in the nose and to improve the quality of life by giving people the ideal nose. These procedures, which can be shaped according to everyone’s needs, offer very ethical solutions in terms of their results.
Interest in rhinoplasty is increasing worldwide. One of the factors affecting this increase is that the nose is an organ that can directly affect the quality of life both visually and physically. In cases that adversely affect this quality of life, Rhinoplasty with Septoplasty comes into play. Let’s get to know them closely.
تجميل الأنف:
The nose is perhaps the most striking organ of the facial region. Because of this feature, it can cause aesthetic concerns in the person when it causes unwanted appearance. These concerns sometimes go further and trigger some psychological problems that cause obsession in the person. At this point, choosing rhinoplasty can be life-saving for the person.
Rhinoplasty aims a more aesthetic and smooth appearance by eliminating nasal deformities caused by various reasons. By making shape changes in the nose with various procedures, the nose suitable for the person’s face is designed. Rhinoplasty is also recommended for people with breathing problems.
How is Rhinoplasty a Process?
Although this surgery is a complicated operation, it will work wonders in the hands of a skilled and experienced الجراح. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 3 hours. In some cases, this period may be longer or shorter.
The surgeon gives all the necessary information about this process, which is shaped according to the needs of the person. It is necessary to wait approximately 6-12 months for the expected result to become visible. This period may be longer or shorter depending on the size of the operation performed on the person. In some cases, a few more minimal procedures can be performed to achieve the desired shape.
The structure consisting of bone and cartilage in the inner part that divides the nose into two is called septum. In this structure, sometimes undesirable situations such as curvature or incorrect positioning may occur due to various reasons. These problems cause serious problems in breathing and seriously reduce the quality of life.
The process of eliminating this condition, which can often occur as a result of genetics or trauma, is called septoplasty. This procedure focuses on eliminating the health problems that occur in the inner part of the person’s nose from aesthetic concerns.
What kind of a process is Septoplasty?
This operation takes approximately 1-1.5 hours and is performed under general anaesthesia. In some cases, local anaesthesia can also be performed. Firstly, the surgeon makes an incision in the nose and the necessary intervention is made to the septum. The obstructed part of the septum is corrected with the help of the incision or removed if necessary.
Therefore, this operation process varies from person to person. The needs of the person will shape the process and the surgeon informs the person about this beforehand. After this procedure, there is no change in the shape of the nose, but the person will start to breathe more easily. In this way, the quality of life increases.
What are the Differences Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?
We can mention the main differences of these nose surgeries as follows:
- Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic-oriented operation, while septoplasty is more health-oriented.
- Rhinoplasty is more complicated and comprehensive, while septoplasty is a simpler and shorter operation.
- While rhinoplasty allows the shape of the nose to change, there is no visible change in the other. Because that is not the purpose of the surgery.
Understanding these differences in detail will guide you on what you need and help you prepare before the process.
Can Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty be performed simultaneously?
In some cases, both procedures can be performed at the same time. If there are problems that affect your physical and aesthetic health both internally and externally, your surgeon will recommend both surgeries. However, considering your individual health status and needs, how and when both procedures will be performed may vary. However, if your surgeon deems it appropriate, there is no objection to simultaneous application.
If performed at the same time, this procedure takes a little longer than operations performed alone and the healing process may take a little longer. However, if you follow the surgeon’s instructions and act carefully, you will be comfortable with this process.
Nasal Health is More Important Than You Think
What we are talking about is not only physical health, but also the desired appearance of all individuals who are in the process of change and transformation. Since the nose is located in the centre of the face and is a protruding organ, it directly affects physical perception. Therefore, it is very important to care about the health of this organ both internally and externally and to take action accordingly.
If you are experiencing problems affecting your nasal health and these problems affect your quality of life, we recommend that you do not postpone Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty. Thanks to the right surgeon, you will improve your quality of life while achieving the appearance you want.
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